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Campaign Image

Help starving people of Afghanistan in bagram

$1,700 Raised of $1,700


About Campaign

This campaign will primarily focus on the city of Bagram in Afghanistan. When people think of Bagram they just think of a big airport or maybe even a prison. But that city means so much, some of the best people I have met have family from Bagram. This city like so many other cities is facing a food insecurity crisis. Please help me provide some families with the basics. If this campaign is successful we can do larger campaigns for Herat, Bagram again, or even Kabul itself. Thank you for everything God Bless you all. Photo Copyright: Aseel Afghanistan



Bill O'Connor

Hello/Salam, as you could tell I am not an Afghan and to be honest I am still trying to learn about Afghan culture. I have however been volunteering in the US helping refugees adjust their lives here in the US. It has been one of the most life changing experiences. Afghans are some of the most polite and strongest people you will ever meet. In fact I am seriously considering converting to Islam, that’s how much of an impact these people have made on me. In fact they help me more than I help them, life is sometimes funny like that. Please help me and help aseel reach our goal and provide basic food stuff for families who are suffering and do not have the opportunity to leave their country.