There is a family in Qhala e Sher Mohammad, Their kids are sick, and so are their grandparents, their economy is worse and they can't afford to take them to a doctor. For example, I've taken photos of this little boy who has some sort of disease/fungus on his head, he can't go outside and play with the kids cause they will make fun of him, there are few other little ones who have got the same big round marks on their body and his young sister has rashes on her arms who is making the dough.
Their grandfather has ripped a muscle underneath the skin just above his stomach and when he coughs or laughs a balloon-like sac of air comes out
There is this other kid who seems like he speaks mostly with his nose and has trouble with the breathing during the night when he sleeps, he has a goiter. Also, this other kid about 11 years of age has seen blood in his stool and complains of pain, and sometimes something is sticking out of the rectum. These last two kids are from another family. Both families have severe financial difficulties and they haven't taken the kids to any doctors. I talked to their families and gave them sort of a hope for help.
Ihsan Hasaand
This campaign is organized by Ihsan Hasaand, Emergency Response Lead of Aseel for Afghanistan and Human Rights Activist.