July 12, 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic has had detrimental effects on the global economy. Afghanistan, with an already compromised social and economical infrastructure, has been hit hard. With the risk that as much as 97% of the population is at risk of plunging below the poverty line, it is not hard to imagine how the slightest impact on the economy can result in a national crisis. The artisan community of Afghanistan is one such group that’s suffered from the damaging effects of Covid-19. Social distancing restrictions halted production lines in their small workshops and sales in markets have gone down due to a dwindling economy.

As a community-focused enterprise, Aseel wanted to directly help the artisan community with emergency support during this crisis. Aseel held a successful fundraising event during which $1000 was raised.

Earlier this week, our team delivered the funds to the Golden Wood Productions. The funds will go towards helping the artisan families with emergency food supplies.

Aseel wants to thank you and all its donors and supporters for helping our artisan communities. Through your continued support, we have been able to positively impact the lives of many families during the current crisis.