October 3, 2020

Aseel continues to support its network of artisan communities during the COVID - 19 pandemic.

Though much of Afghanistan continues to operate, COVID-19 adversely affected the artisan community in many ways. Restrictions on gatherings meant reduced production in workshops where the number of workmen was restricted. Sales were down as visits to in-person markets fell. With the arrival of winter, and difficult travel conditions due to snow and COVID -19, women artisans who worked for the Bamiyan Women Weavers were unable to meet in their usual group workshops and were forced to work in isolation and under less favorable conditions.

In provinces such as Bamiyan, where handmade goods are mostly sold in person and the artisans are unable to travel outside of their area of residence, sales plummeted.

In light of these issues, Aseel’s team based in Afghanistan traveled to Bamiyan in early October 2020 to meet with the team of Bamiyan Women Weavers. Over the course of four days, the team took high-quality photographs of their handmade products which were uploaded on Aseel’s website for our international customers. Our team discussed ways how Aseel could offer support for artisans to continue their high-quality work. Our team also donated $600USD as COVID relief to the families of the 12 female artisans. Whilst this was a modest amount of donations, our artisans were sincerely grateful for any amount of relief they received during a difficult time.

During an unprecedented time, Aseel is proud to support its artisan community by providing it a platform to showcase and sell its unique products to international customers and by helping the workers and their families with donations and COVID - 19 relief.