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Sponsor Orphans and Poor Students Education: Year 1

$8,100 Raised of $8,088


About Campaign

As you are aware of the economic situation in Afghanistan, most students have given up on their dreams of getting education. In order to help a few students and orphans continue their education, we are aiming to raise funds to sponsor education expenses of 7 high school students in Paktia and ten orphans in Jalalabad, Nangarhar. This fundraiser will provide course fee, transport fee and stationary for the students in Paktia and orphans in Nangarhar. The campaign will also provide food expenses of the orphans who are currently living in an orphanage. For each student in Paktia, we will pay their course fee, transportation fee and stationary: $33 monthly for four months and overall $132 for four months. On the other hand, we intend to sponsor ten orphans who lost their fathers to the war in Afghanistan and are without any guardians. Each orphan sponsorship costs $47 monthly and $564 for a whole educational year. We are very grateful for your support and request you to collaborate with in this future making mission. We are very excited about this life changing project and believe that we will be able to continue this project for seven years with your help and cooperation. Ihsan and I will be providing updates about the improvements, observations and evaluations on monthly basis right here.



Shepherd Chandler, Zikria Tory and Ihsan Hassand

Shepherd is a Farmer and community organizer based in the United States of America. Zikria is a human rights activist in Afghanistan and a volunteer with AseelApp. Ihsan is a volunteer with many national and international organizations and a human rights activist and advocate.