Prayer Rugs

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  1. Afghanistan
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Küçükten Büyüğe Sıralamayı Ayarla
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Küçükten Büyüğe Sıralamayı Ayarla

Experience a touch of heaven with our exquisite Prayer Rugs. Each rug is crafted by skilled Afghan and Turkish artisans using the finest materials and techniques, resulting in a work of art that is visually stunning and holds deep spiritual significance.

These handmade prayer rugs feature intricate designs and patterns passed down for generations, making each one a unique and special addition to your home or place of worship. Whether you are using it for prayer or to add a touch of beauty to your living space, our antique prayer rugs are sure to impress.

Made with soft, high-quality wool, these rugs are durable and easy to care for, ensuring they will be a cherished part of your collection for years.